About the Artist

Hello! I'm Kelly.

I have loved some form of art and creativity for as long as I can remember. From making dresses out of bed sheets when I was younger to enjoying every minute of studying photography and fine art in collage. I will skip the stories of hating all other forms of schooling in-between and thinking I wasn't very smart most of my life but once I was able to be free to create I knew I could make a living from it!

I started off using my skills working for myself as a graphic designer over 20 years ago. I wanted to work at home while I raised my kiddos and financially contribute to our family. Jumping back into the fine arts after all that time has been super fun and more freeing than all my previous design work.

My boys are older and both able to work besides me now (one is helpful with the website photography and the other creates the wood stands available for purchase!) I am excited for this season of life to share my journey and make my art available for others to enjoy! 
My art originates from moments of reflection and my daily commitment to paint. Through watercolor practice, my studio has become a space of beauty and a place of peace.

I find inspiration from the bible and creation. I enjoy painting smaller scale pieces the most (my minis are most popular!) with a touch of whimsy and sometimes a moody feel, using antique frames and blending vintage vibes with modern touches.

While my pieces may evoke the feeling of a specific place, each one is purely a creation of my imagination. It's not just about making art; it's about drawing out emotions of joy and wonder, inspiring imagination, and creating a connection with others.

Each item is one-of-a-kind, meticulously crafted by paying special attention to quality and finishing details so that while some pieces are very small, they are a treasure to collect for years to come. I use the finest papers, paints and archival materials available. Taking care of each step, from curating to the packaging.

Currently, I am an art teacher, a wife, a mother of three. My other passions besides art and spending time with my family, are studying the bible, coffee (obsessed), gardening, and exploring antique stores and boutiques in my free time. 

If you would like to see my work in person check the banner at the top of my website for vender locations and dates—I would love to meet you!